

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

PCP093-100+ Couldn't Let It Go Undone.

I really hate to see things incomplete.Some of the images are from the sketchbook,but all drawn within the 100 day period.So I see it done.

I hope you enjoyed this series-let me know what you think.

Thanks. GGG.

PCP082-092 Tail End?

Today is the Hundredth Day- November 8th.

I still have time to squeeze in a few more,unfortunately I misplaced some of the postcards.Still close to the mark...I admit some of the later ones are rushed.
I do hope you enjoyed the trip,kept me busy and I learned something from them.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

PCP070-080 Catching Up

Various cards from the early attempts at making comics out of postcards and other picture making. Click to enlarge.

Monday, October 31, 2005

PCP066-069 Scribble Leaf Cake Face.

Cake-is a colored version of a previous entry, still learning something from it. LEAF was the first attempt at painting with the tablet, has lots of kinks, but entirely spontaneous. The 3 set scribble was generated from another scribble that Zack made.

PCP064-065- Katja-Zombie Dad-

I recently purchased my first drawing tablet. It has made a huge difference in how I create digital work. Here's an early experiment called"Katja". The second image is timed just for Halloween.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

PCP 061-063 Scarlett.

Scarlett is a little side project going, still in the early stages,

three images are done on index cards.

I have a couple of short stories on the go for publication by next year, to be included in the hurricane relief anthology being published by Ronin Studios.

I have fallen behind on the postcards as a result. Not a matter of doing them, but scanning and posting that takes a little more time. They will be done...eventually.

Thanks for stopping by. GGG.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

PCP056-060 Scratch and Pixel.

(Top)The base of these two drawings are done from leaves, scanned blown up and pixilated.Experimented with textures and ended up with something completely unexpected.
(Bottom)Zachary had a red marker and made a few scratches on the back of an envelope. I took that and generated three little doodles.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

PCP053-055 Doodles.

This is another doodle-scribble sketch on the fly.The image was provided by Chris P.from Radioactive City Comics.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Another revision to a character previously seen on the PCP project, which may have his own story to tell in the future. I’m having fun creating his little world. The best thing about a world of Fantasy is that the creator makes up his own rules…the laws of science do not have to apply.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

PCP050 Big Sugar.

CBC has been running their Documentary Films for all of September.
The image I created was a reaction to BIG SUGAR. Modern day
SLAVERY in the Dominican republic. Haitians are lured across the border
with promises of a better life, ending up with so little. Companies owned by off
shore interest, able to overlook labour laws and human rights.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

PCP043-48 Scribbles


I thought I would try including some recognizable characters in these postcard series,just to keep them interesting. I'm finding the real challenge has been getting the time to upload the images. Getting the cards done is the easy part.


Fiona set up an activity on MIC to create some thing out of a "scribble" so I took on the challenge.This is a game I'd been playing with Zachary recently.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

PCP038-42 Artifacts & Inventions


Inventions. Everyday someone has a bright idea, but how many take the time to record them?
This little design for an ink-feeding cartridge to a natural hairbrush is just an idea; I may take the time to build a prototype. See if it can really work? I may have a few more similar artifacts in my sketchbooks, ranging from book cover-carriers, book shelving and store designs, toys and games.

Dragons pop up in my sketchbooks now and again…waiting for stories to be told.

PCP039-41 Artifacts.

An old ice cream bucket holds an assortment of pencil crayons and other small trinkets of a childhood shared between sisters. A plastic little boy in blue overalls has been separated from a forgotten play set. An Avon broach hides a compartment for a lip moisturizer, it seemed every girl I knew in elementary school had at least one. Rubberstamps with dated images, girls in bell bottom pants and cute puppies, once decorated letters and notes to friends long since moved away.
Funny how you remember childhood friends, they retain their youth forever and ever. Never aging in memory. Like home movies in your brain.

Monday, September 12, 2005

PCP037-38.5- DuDoh!

Playing around with a reduced comic page format.I'll have to figure out how to get rid of the page divisions. Still a bit of eraser crumble on here. More images to follow, fell behind on scanning some of the images.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

PCP034-036 Flood

Many years ago,

It rained all night.When we woke up,water had risen into the house.Slippers
sat on the water like boats. Snakes took shelter in the house,slithering on walls
and swimming around our island bed.

My brother Gary and I made it outside later in the day.The wooden basketball net
had fallen and made a perfect raft. Frogs,toads,snails and snakes were plenty.

There was a Funeral home across the street.The owner had the family home connected.
I came over once in a while to play with their kids and watch TV. One afternoon I was sitting up
in a tree in their backyard, a Mother came in with her child about six years old.She was crying.
The boy was very still as the man looked him over.
Urine stained the boy's pants and streamed off
the table.I laughed to myself,thinking the boy was just sleeping.


Sunday, September 04, 2005

PCP031-033 Character Designs

Creating Characters for stories is always the most fun.You add and take away what you like and don't like...never knowing what you end up with.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

PCP028- Found Object #1

(Note May 13Th,2010. For some reason this page comes up on a lot of
searches. What are people looking for? I am just curious. More recent work
can be found if you click on the mast head. Thank you for visiting.
Grocery list found at bus stop, sitting on the ATCO building ledge.
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What disappeared today
and all we have to remember you by is this grocery list?
No pictures or letters, message on the answering machine.
Fingerprints on the bathroom mirror- spelling out "I love you",
casting off the moisture on steamed glass.
This is what you were craving the day you went away?
Did you think of me?

Maybe not...
since dessert was not on the list.


PCP027- Connect the Dots

I think of lazy summer days, when we were children with little to do, finding ways to entertain ourselves.

Activity books printed on newsprint were easy enough to pick up at Super S or K-Mart. Grab a pencil or a crayon and start playing Tic-Tac-Toe, hangman, mazes, find the word, match games, color pictures and connect the dots.

Out of habit, I doodle when I talk on the phone or waiting for files to upload or download. I end up with a few scrap notebooks full of these little drawings.

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Saturday, August 27, 2005

PCP 24-26 Fragments

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I got too involved in a drawing one day. Coming home on the bus, I missed my stop.
By four blocks. I ended up at the corner store renting a movie, so my trip would not be wasted.
A walk in the rain was needed. Colors are made sharper in a dark hue. Fallen apples on the grass, like golden nuggets surrounding the tree. Water coming down the storm drain in a rush, an echoing water fall. Leaves are strewn about on the sidewalk, green and yellow signaling summer’s end. Sunflowers and other flowers bob in the gentle rain, skirting the perimeters of a schoolyard, waiting for the hands of young explorers.

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Digging in the garden one night. Harvesting small potatoes from a poor crop. Ants are dug up with the roots. They have fed on the soft skin of the vegetable, leaving them rough and speckled. Earthworms, unearthed, shrink in the cold air. They are transplanted to the composter, before the birds ever see them.

Zachary sat in my lap, squirming as the Nurse reached for the needle. I hold onto his wrists and pinch his feet between my legs to prevent any mishaps. It is not an easy task or a comfortable one. We are not often asked to restrain our children, but it is not everyday they get inoculation shots. He remembered the building and the room when we got there.
After the shots were given and we started to comfort him with milk, the Nurse came with a little more information. Zachary would not let her near him and cried again.
Later that night, he would point at his shoulders and give a faint “Aooohhh,”it would be a hard night. He took his medicine without complaint and slept until eight o’clock in the morning.
Late in the afternoon we waited for M at the bus stop. She was not on the usual bus, came back home and picked apples. We met M half way down the street when we heard the transit bus go by. After supper and a nap we went to My Favorite Ice Cream Shop. M had two scoops strawberry and brownie. I had tiger tail and chocolate cheesecake.

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We took the long way around getting home, thinking we would get time to play in the park for a little while. The sun was almost setting as we made our way through the neighborhood. There are In-fill homes under construction every few blocks. Inflating the value of inner city properties, to live in desirable homes. M points out the ones she likes, and I think to myself that it would be “sometime” in coming. We have our hopes and dreams like everyone else, but we are happy with what we have…and there are those who have far less.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

PCP 21-23-Widescreen.

"Is it possible to do an entire comic book using the postcard format?" This was the question I asked myself and in conversation with F.S."Why not, anything is possible," she replied. This is a second attempt at this format, the first maybe posted later on. At this scale the finished pages would be 12" X 18" which is much larger than a standard comic page.Getting things to fit on my scanner is always a challenge.There are ways around this, I just need to find the most economical way, time and budget wise. GarSeeYa!! Click on the image for a better look.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Some of My Work.

Here are a few images that have been created for various projects and or random doodles.Works for Panday Studio, General Jinjur,24Hour Comic Challenge. (Click on the image for a better view.)

The Last image is a collaboration with my Son Zachary, a gift on Mother's Day. GarSeeYa!!!